Now the blogspot mania is over, i guess. Long time i haven't write any post in here. Exams is coming also. Tired of lousy stuffs i have to do. I'm just seeking my name TienQueen on google. It's quite surprise that there are references of other pages to my blog.
Firstly from my favourite Vietnamese artist (and physicist also), Nguyen Dinh Dang, after knowing that i have a post on him and his works, he wrote to me to comment and refer my link on his page. You can see my blog on the list that Nguyen Dinh Dang made on his page. Other is from one of my friend Le Ngoc Quoc Khanh, he is master of J2ME. The rest i think i don't know them, on a blog call Ephemeral Dreams, i guess she is a Vietnamese also. She determined my blog is one of the cool blogs that have smt to do with Vietnam :). You can view it here.

After exams i think i'll continue to write more 'bout Classic Rock and Prog Rock. Miss them badly. The point is Classic Rock and Prog Rock(to me it is Classic Prog Rock actually) is unchanged cause they're all belong to the past, at least to me. Then i can review them anytime, no fear such that they're changed. I like the "Classic", that is.